Nomofobia ¿Qué es?

Cad Aten Primaria 2017; 23 (1):39


La nomofobia es un problema emergente. Sería conveniente aconsejar a la población en general (estudiantes, profesionales, adolescentes, padres…) acerca del uso controlado y correcto del teléfono móvil y demás tecnologías, que son solo simples herramientas que deberían facilitarnos el día a día.



1.Adaptation of the Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q) to Spanish in a sample of adolescents. González-Cabrera J, León-Mejía A, Pérez-Sancho C, Calvete E. Actas Esp Psiquiatr. 2017 Jul;45(4):137-44. Epub 2017 Jul 1.

2.Understanding Nomophobia: Structural Equation Modeling and Semantic Network Analysis of Smartphone Separation Anxiety. Han S, Kim KJ, Kim JH. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw. 2017 Jul;20(7):419-427. doi: 10.1089/cyber.2017.0113. Epub 2017 Jun 26.

3.Nomophobia: A Cross-sectional Study to Assess Mobile Phone Usage Among Dental Students. Prasad M, Patthi B, Singla A, Gupta R, Saha S, Kumar JK, Malhi R, Pandita V. J Clin Diagn Res. 2017 Feb;11(2): ZC34-ZC39. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2017/20858.9341. Epub 2017 Feb 1.

  1. Nomophobia: Dependency on virtual environments or social phobia? A.L.S. King, A.M. Valença, A.C.O. Silva, T. Baczynski, M.R. Carvalho, A.E. Nardi. Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 29, Issue 1, January 2013, Pages 140-144.

5.Exploratory investigation of theoretical predictors of nomophobia using the Mobile Phone Involvement Questionnaire (MPIQ). Argumosa-Villar L, Boada-Grau J, Vigil-Colet A. J Adolesc. 2017 Apr; 56:127-135. doi: 10.1016/j.adolescence.2017.02.003. Epub 2017 Feb 21.

6.Adaptation and Validation of the Spanish Version of the Nomophobia Questionnaire in Nursing Studies. Gutiérrez-Puertas L, Márquez-Hernández VV, Aguilera-Manrique G. Comput Inform Nurs. 2016 Oct;34(10):470-475.

7.A proposal for including nomophobia in the new DSM-V. Bragazzi NL, Del Puente G. Psychol Res Behav Manag. 2014 May 16; 7:155-60. doi: 10.2147/PRBM.S41386. eCollection 2014.

8.»Nomophobia»: impact of cell phone use interfering with symptoms and emotions of individuals with panic disorder compared with a control group. King AL, Valença AM, Silva AC, Sancassiani F, Machado S, Nardi AE. Clin Pract Epidemiol Ment Health. 2014 Feb 21; 10:28-35. doi: 10.2174/1745017901410010028. eCollection 2014.

9.Nomophobia: the mobile phone in panic disorder with agoraphobia: reducing phobias or worsening of dependence? King AL, Valença AM, Nardi AE. Cogn Behav Neurol. 2010 Mar;23(1):52-4. doi: 10.1097/WNN.0b013e3181b7eabc.


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Volume 23 (1). Xullo 2017.


AGAMFEC é a Asociación Galega de Medicina Familiar e Comunitaria, federada da asociación nacional semFYC.

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